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Der 3. Spieltag im Playoff Viertelfinale hatte am Montag vor dem DOPS in zwei Fällen ein Nachspiel. Jean Philippe Lamoureux vom EC iDM Wärmepumpen VSV wurde wegen „Physical Abuse“ im dritten Viertelfinalspiel gegen den EC-KAC für zwei Spiele gesperrt (1 Spiel + 1 Spiel) und zudem mit einer Geldstrafe in der Höhe von 400,00 Euro belegt.

Lamoureux gilt als Wiederholungstäter. Somit verpasst der Villacher Goalie das vierte sowie das fünfte Spiel der Viertelfinalserie gegen den EC-KAC.

Das Original-Urteil zur Sperre von Jean Philippe Lamoureux
Jean Philippe Lamoureux of EC idM Wärmepumpen VSV was suspended for two games for an incident in Sunday’s quarter final game against EC-KAC, deemed as „Physical Abuse“. Lamoureux is therefore suspended for game four and game five of the quarter final series.

Jean Philippe Lamoureux (#1) of EC iDM Wärmepumpen VSV, time 59:29 was involved in an incident deemed as Physical Abuse of Officials (IIHF Rule 40). The video evidence was sent to the win2day ICE Hockey League PSC, which determined the incident to be worthy of supplementary discipline. Sunday night in Villach, Villach goaltender #1 Jean Philippe Lamoureux was involved in an incident deemed as physical abuse against an on-ice official.

As the video shows, immediately following a goal, Lamoureux willingly gained possession of the puck and shot the puck in a forceful manner in the direction of a game official. Lamoureux was assessed a game misconduct at the stoppage under the IIHF Rulebook (Rule 40.4) which states: „…shooting the puck at or in the general direction of an official, …“

This is physical abuse of officials. It is important to note that at a stoppage, the puck is not to be shot in any manner, regardless if its an emotional outburst, protest of a game official decision or any form of forcefully shooting the puck at or in the direction of a game official or opponent. Specifically with this incident, it has been determined that Lamoureux did shoot the puck in the general direction of an official, in a manner that is considered forceful and demeaning. The intent or not of hitting a game official with the puck is a factor that is indeterminate. What is considered conclusive, beyond the fact that the puck should not be shot in a forceful manner at a stoppage at anytime, is the puck was shot in the general direction of a game official. Furthermore, Lamoureux was aware of the game official, followed the direction of the game official skating direction after shooting the puck and if it was considered ’no intent‘ as Lamoureux stated, he certainly showed no sign of remorse at the time.

The ICE Hockey League Department of Player Safety has suspended Jean Philippe Lamoureux for 2 games and fined 400.00 euros. 1 game suspension for the current incident and 1 additional game as a repeat offender. In addition, for the duration of Jean Philippe Lamoureux’s suspension EC iDM

Wärmepumpen VSV also loses one (1) spot for non-domestic players on the game sheet.

To summarize:
1) Abuse of an official
2) Puck shot at stoppage in direction of a game official
3) Repeat offender

Previous suspension:
22.12.2022 HC Pustertal Wölfe vs. EC iDM Wärmepumpen VSV 1 game – IIHF 51 Slashing https://jwp.io/s/fM9Nrp5u

Next game Jean Philippe Lamoureux (#97) of EC iDM Wärmepumpen VSV is allowed to play:

DOPS stellt folgendes Video zur Sperre von Jean Philippe Lamoureux zur Verfügung:


Zudem wurde gegen den HC TIWAG Innsbruck wegen „Disciplinary Measures“ im Sonntagsspiel gegen die spusu Vienna Capitals eine Geldstrafe von 1.000,00 Euro verhängt. Wobei 500,00 € davon als unbedingte Geldbuße gelten und sofort fällig sind und weitere 500,00 € zur Bewährung ausgesetzt werden, falls es in der Saison 2022/2023 zu einer weiteren Verletzung der Zeitmessung kommt.

Das Original-Urteil zur Geldstrafe des HC TWIAG Innsbruck
HC TIWAG Innsbruck was fined 1,000.00 Euro for „Disciplinary Measures“ in Sunday’s game against spusu Vienna Capitals. € 500.00 which is the fine amount considered binding and is due immediately , and € 500.00 will be set on probation, in the event a clock issue occurs in the 2022/2023 season.

The IIHF Rulebook (Rule 34.1) states:“…During the game, the Game Timekeeper will start the clock with the drop of the puck and stop the clock upon hearing the On-ice Officials’ whistle or the scoring of a goal. ..:“

In addition, the ICE Hockey League Game Book under Part I | Disciplinary Measures – II. Substantive Law – (1) Disciplinary Measures provides for Failure to comply with orders from the ICE Hockey League.

As the video shows the game clock was not started for 26 seconds and afterwards corrected by only 10 seconds. The situation is aggravated by the fact that the opposing team was playing shorthanded by 2 players during the the time the clock was not running. Due to the fact the opposing team penalty should have expired and the player(s) should have returned to play, the incident is considered detrimental to the integrity of the game.

The ICE Hockey League Department of Players Safety issues a € 1,000.00 fine against the HC TIWAG Innsbruck – Die Haie. € 500.00 which is the fine amount considered binding and is due immediately , and € 500.00 will be set on probation, in the event a clock issue occurs in the 2022/2023 season.

Previous violations on operating the game clock:

DOPS stellt folgendes Video zur Geldstrafe des HC TIWAG Innsbruck zur Verfügung

ICEHL/Red. Sportreport


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