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Für einen Check gegen den Kopf im gestrigen Auswärtsspiel bei den Moser Medical Graz99ers wurde Domenic Alberga vom HCB Südtirol Alperia für ein Spiel gesperrt.

Der Vorfall ereignete sich in der dritten Minute beim Auswärtsspiel in Graz, das die Südtiroler mit 2:6 verloren. Das Players Safety Comittee stufte den Check von Domenic Alberga gegen den Kopf seines Gegenspielers Kevin Moderer als gefährlich ein, weshalb der Stürmer für ein Spiel gesperrt wurde.

Folgende Punkte waren für das Urteil ausschlaggebend:

Der direkte Kontakt zum Kopf des Gegenspielers
Der Hauptkontaktpunkt war der Kopf des Gegenspielers
Wurde als gefährlich und vermeidbar angesehen
Kein Wiederholungstäter

Der Stürmer verpasst damit das Heimspiel des HCB am kommenden Freitag gegen die spusu Vienna Capitals.

Das DOPS stellt dazu folgendes Video zur Verfügung:


HCB Südtirol Alperia forward Domenico Alberga has received a one-game suspension for a Check to the Head or Neck in yesterday’s road game against Moser Medical Graz99ers.

Domenico Alberga (#88) of HCB Alperia Südtirol, time approximately 02:58 was involved in an incident deemed as Checking to the Head or Neck (IIHF Rule 124). The video evidence was sent to the Erste Bank Eishockey Liga Committee (PSC), which determined the incident to be worthy of supplementary discipline – Category 1 – ‚Careless‘.

According to the Arbitrator and having considered the video evidence and ruling of the Erste Bank Eishockey Liga PSC, Domenico Alberga (#88) of HCB Alperia Südtirol, will receive supplementary discipline under rule 124 – Checking to the head or neck.

On September 22nd in Graz, an incident occurred involving Domenico Alberga (#88) deemed as a check to the head. The play immediately before the CTH incident occurred was considered broken, with no 1 in immediate possession or control of the puck. This should be a flag that body checking is not permitted, other than for the purpose of separating the puck from the puck carrier. Battles for the puck is permitted. However, this incident is not deemed a battle for the puck.

With the puck last played off of #88 Domenico Alberga stick, the puck is traveling in the direction of G99 player, #72 Kevin Moderer. Kevin Moderer did make a kicking motion on the puck, but did not have possession or control of the puck. Kevin Moderer was focused down at the direction of the puck, unaware of an impending check, Domenico Alberga, with no regard for the puck, made an illegal check. The check involved planting on the outside (right) foot to change body direction to left, which conclusively proves Domenico Alberga did make a body check with intent. The reason for supplementary discipline, is when delivering the body check, Domenico Alberga elevated his left shoulder up and out, making direct contact to the head of Kevin Moder. His elbow was tucked into contact, but extended out through contact, due to the force intended to deliver the check.

Key references:

Checking to the head or neck
Elevation into the hit – make primary contact to head
Category 1 – Careless
Not a repeat offender

From the perspective of DOPS and according to the Erste Bank Eishockey Liga Penalty Catalog Ref. Nr. 111 – Checking to the head or neck, Domenico Alberga (#88) of HCB Alperia Südtirol is suspended for 1 game and fined 200.00 Euros, effective immediately.

Next game Domenico Alberga (#88) of HCB Alperia Südtirol is allowed to play:
04.10.2019 EHC LIWEST Black Wings Linz vs. HCB Südtirol Alperia


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