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Für einen Stockschlag im Dienstagspiel gegen Linz-Stürmer Brian Lebler wurde Znojmo-Goalie Teemu Lassila für zwei Spiele gesperrt und zusätzlich mit einer Geldstrafe belegt.

Der Vorfall ereignete sich in der Schlussphase des Spiels zwischen den Liwest Black Wings Linz und dem HC Orli Znojmo, das die Gastgeber mit 2:1 knapp für sich entschieden. Lassila wurde nachträglich vom DOPS wegen eines Stockschlags für zwei Spiele gesperrt. Der Finne verpasst somit sowohl das Duell mit dem EC Panaceo VSV als auch das Gastspiel in Innsbruck am kommenden Wochende.

Folgende Punkte waren für das Urteil ausschlaggebend:

Direkt gegen den Kopf des Gegenspielers
Kein Wiederholungstäter

Das DOPS stellt dazu folgendes Video zur Verfügung:

Zum Original-Urteil:

HC Orli Znojmo goalie Teemu Lassila has been suspended for two games for slashing Liwest Black Wings Linz forward Brian Lebler during Erste Bank Eishockey Liga game on Tuesday.

Teemu Lassila (#35) of HC Orli Znojmo, time 55:42 was involved in an incident deemed as Slashing (IIHF Rule 159). The video evidence was sent to the Erste Bank Eishockey Liga PSC, which determined the incident to be worthy of supplementary discipline – Category 2 – ‚Reckless‘. According to the Arbitrator and having considered the video evidence and ruling of the Erste Bank Eishockey Liga PSC, Teemu Lassila (#35) of HC Orli Znojmo, will receive supplementary discipline under rule 159 – Slashing.

On Februray 11th in Linz, a slashing incident occurred involving HC Orli Znojmo goalie (#35) Teemu Lassila on Black Wings Linz forward (#7) Brian Lebler. A 5 minute + Game Misconduct was assessed by the on-ice officials.

As the video shows, Linz has puck possession in the attacking zone. As a cross ice pass occurs, Brian Lebler is approaching the net to make a play on the puck. In the process of puck pursuit, Lebler does approach and make slight contact with Teemu Lassila. The contact is considered minimal and although possibly worth a 2 minute penalty, the contact is not worthy of anything greater, which means Lassila has no probable cause to use his stick in a swinging manner.

The reason for supplementary discipline, is the swing of a stick by Lassila. It is conceivable that Lassila maybe upset about getting bumped in his crease. However, at no time is a player permitted to retaliate in a stick swinging manner. Additionally, when the use of the stick is in or at the head area of Lebler, the incident is considered recklessly endangering. It is important to note Lebler did return to play, however the potential for a serious injury is considered very high. Lassila must refrain from retaliatory type actions, through the use of his stick at the head height of an opposing player.

Effective immediately, Teemu Lassila (#35) of HC Orli Znojmo is suspended for 2 game and fined 500.00 Euros.

Key references:

This is Slashing
Directed at the head area of opposing player
Category 2 – Reckless
Not a repeat offender

From the perspective of DOPS and according to the Erste Bank Eishockey Liga Penalty Catalog Ref. Nr. 125 – Slashing, Teemu Lassila (#35) of HC Orli Znojmo is suspended for 2 games and fined 500.00 Euros, effective immediately.

Next game Teemu Lassila (#35) of HC Orli Znojmo is allowed to play:
18.02.2020 HC Orli Znojmo vs. HC TWK Innsbruck ‚Die Haie‘


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