Rafael Rotter von den Steinbach Black Wings Linz wurde wegen eines Vorfalls, der als „Cross-Checking“ gewertet wurde, für ein Spiel gesperrt. Der Zwischenfall ereignete sich im Spiel gegen Hydro Fehérvár AV19 am Sonntag, den 5. Dezember. Rotter verpasst somit das Spiel beim HC Pustertal am morgigen Dienstag und ist am Sonntag, den 12. Dezember gegen den Tesla Orli Znojmo wieder spielberechtigt.
Zum detaillierten Urteil
Rafael Rotter of the Steinbach Black Wings Linz got suspended for one game due to an incident deemed as Cross-Checking in the game against Hydro Fehérvár AV19 on Sunday, December 5th.
Rafael Rotter (#6) of Steinbach Black Wings Linz, time 29:40 was involved in an incident deemed as Cross-Checking (IIHF Rule 59). The video evidence was sent to the bet-at-home ICE Hockey League PSC, which determined the incident to be worthy of supplementary discipline – Category 1 – ‚Careless‘.
According to the Arbitrator and having considered the video evidence and ruling of the bet-at-home ICE Hockey League PSC, Rafael Rotter (#6) of Steinbach Black Wings Linz, will receive supplementary discipline under rule 59 – Cross-Checking.
Sunday night in Linz, Linz forward #6 Rafael Rotter, was assessed a penalty for cross checking Fehervar forward #71 Colin Jacobs. The incident was sent to the ICEHL PSC and determined supplementary discipline is required under Category 1 – ‘Careless’.
As the video shows, Jacobs receives a pass in the low slot area, which allows for a good scoring opportunity. As Jacobs is primarily puck focused and facing the net, due to a scoring opportunity, Rotter pinches down to defend Jacobs. Jacobs does not see or assumed aware that Rotter is approaching. Rotter, as a defensive play raises his stick, with both hands in tact with his stick, in a cross checking motion. Considering the horizontal stick movement is away from his body in a direct approach and located at the head area of Jacobs, this is deemed cross checking.
It is important to note, this is not a case of incidental contact that can occur, which occurs in the slot area as defensive play, when a player uses his stick in a pushing or battling motion. Rotter made the unimpeded choice to extend and elevate his stick outward and upward, making direct contact with the head area of Jacobs. Rotters forceful stick action at the head area, makes him the aggressor on this play, meriting supplementary discipline. Although there is no reported injury and Jacobs did continue playing, the cross check action is deemed careless, with a potential of injury.
Key references:
This is deemed cross-checking
In the head area
Category 1 – Careless
Not a repeat offender
From the perspective of DOPS and according to the bet-at-home ICE Hockey League Penalty Catalog Ref. Nr. 124 – Cross-checking, Rafael Rotter (#6) of Steinbach Black Wings Linz is suspended for 1 game and fined 200.00 Euros.
Next game Rafael Rotter (#6) of Steinbach Black Wings Linz is allowed to play: 12.12.2021 Tesla Orli Znojmo vs. Steinbach Black Wings Linz.
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