Steven Strong vom EC-KAC und Anze Ropret vom HK SZ Olimpija wurden wegen Vergehen in der bet-at-home ICE Hockey League am Donnerstag zu zwei Spielen Sperre und einer Geldstrafe verurteilt. Beide Spieler werden somit die ersten beiden Spiele im neuen Jahr verpassen.
Steven Strong wird somit neben der Partie gegen die Steinbach Black Wings Linz das Derby gegen den EC GRAND Immo VSV am Dienstag, den 4. Jänner verpassen. Der 28-jährige österreichische Nationalspieler wurde wegen „Kneeing“ zudem mit einer Geldstrafe in Höhe von 300.00 Euro belegt.
Das Original-Urteil
Steven Strong of the EC-KAC got suspended for two games due to an incident deemed as Kneeing. The 28-years-old Austrian international will therefore miss the Carinthian Derby on January 4th among others.
Steven Strong (#24) of EC-KAC, time 55:00 was involved in an incident deemed as Kneeing (IIHF Rule 50). The video evidence was sent to the bet-at-home ICE Hockey League PSC, which determined the incident to be worthy of supplementary discipline – Category 1 – ‚Careless‘.
According to the Arbitrator and having considered the video evidence and ruling of the bet-at-home ICE Hockey League PSC, Steven Strong (#24) of EC-KAC will receive supplementary discipline under rule 50 – Kneeing.
Thursday night in Ljubljana, Klagenfurt D’man #24 Steven Strong, was involved in an incident deemed as Kneeing on Ljubljana forward #29 Anze Ropret. The incident was sent to the ICEHL PSC and determined supplementary discipline is required under Category 1 – ‚Careless‘.
As the video shows, with an outlet pass and play moving out of the Ljubljana D’zone, Strong stepped up to make a body check. The body check was deemed illegal, in which Strong was assessed a 5/GM for kneeing.
It is important to note that Ropret had just finished serving a penalty for a CTH of a KAC player, which was a cause of the KAC player being injured. It is assumed that the check Strong made, may have been a form of frontier justice, where by a player feels the need to take justice by sending a message back. Regardless, the check that Strong made is a kneeing type action, with no body to body contact. Immediately before contact, Strong moved to his left, which can cause his left leg to be in the lead and out front. However, it is still the responsibility of Strong to be in a body position, when making a check, to make body contact through the use of his shoulder or hip and avoid leg on leg contact. The leg on leg contact was to the lower portion of both players legs, which does not excuse the fact that the potential for knee on knee, causing serious injury was possible. With Ropret receiving the puck immediately before contact and the left leg of Strong as lead contact point, Ropret had no possibility to defend or protect himself.
Key references:
This is Kneeing
Leg on leg contact
Category 1 – ‚Careless‘
Not a repeat offender
From the perspective of DOPS and according to the bet-at-home ICE Hockey League Penalty Catalog Ref. Nr. 121 – Kneeing, Steven Strong (#24) of EC-KAC is suspended for 2 games and fined 300.00 Euros.
Next game Steven Strong (#24) of EC-KAC is allowed to play: 06.01.2022 EC-KAC vs. Moser Medical Graz99ers
Anze Ropret ist sowohl gegen den HCB Südtirol Alperia als auch gegen den EC Red Bull Salzburg nicht spielberechtigt. Der 32-jährige Slowene wurde wegen eines „Illegal Check to the Head or Neck“ zudem mit einer Geldstrafe in Höhe von 400.00 Euro belegt.
Das Original-Urteil
Anze Ropret of the HK SZ Olimpija got suspended for two games because of an incident deemed as Illegal Check to the Head or Neck.
Anze Ropret (#29) of HK SZ Olimpija, time 44:33 was involved in an incident deemed as Illegal Check to the Head or Neck (IIHF Rule 48). The video evidence was sent to the bet-at-home ICE Hockey League PSC, which determined the incident to be worthy of supplementary discipline – Category 1 – ‚Careless‘.
According to the Arbitrator and having considered the video evidence and ruling of the bet-at-home ICE Hockey League PSC, Anze Ropret (#29) of HK SZ Olimpija will receive supplementary discipline under rule 48 – Illegal Check to the Head or Neck.
Thursday night in Ljubljana, Ljubljana forward #29 Anze Ropret, was involved in an incident deemed as Illegal Check to the Head or Neck on Klagenfurt forward #46 Johannes Bischofberger. The incident was sent to the ICEHL PSC and determined supplementary discipline is required under Category 1 – ‚Careless.
As the video shows, with 2 players engaged in a puck pursuit, Ropret entered the puck battle as the 3rd man. The check that Ropret delivered made primary and direct contact to the head of Bischofberger. This is deemed as a Check to the Head.
It is important to note, with Bischofberger in a puck battle, his focus is not on Ropret and instead focused on the puck. Unaware of Ropret approaching, it appears Bischofberger lowered his body and head slightly. However, the cause of Bischofberger starting to fall forward is due to the stick of #14 of Olimpija, which means Bischofberger was not the cause of his body moving forward and no ability to protect himself from head contact. It is assumed that Ropret wasn’t intentionally making head contact, but is still responsible for the head contact, especially as a 3rd man into a puck battle. Ropret must have a regard for the puck and initially appears to have a regard for the puck, but as seen on the video, Ropret instead lifts his stick, alters his body and made the check with no body to body contact. The primary head contact, through the right shoulder of Ropret, directly to the head of Bischofberger, did cause an apparent injury.
Key references:
This is Illegal Contact to the Head
Primary contact to opponents head
Category 1 – ‚Careless‘
Not a repeat offender
From the perspective of DOPS and according to the bet-at-home ICE Hockey League Penalty Catalog Ref. Nr. 112 – Checking to the head or neck area, Anze Ropret (#29) of HK SZ Olimpija is suspended for 2 games and fined 400.00 Euros.
Next game Anze Ropret (#29) of HK SZ Olimpija is allowed to play: 06.01.2022 HK SZ Olimpija vs. HC Pustertal Wölfe
Medieninfo bet-at-home ICE Hockey League