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Der erste Spieltag in der Alps Hockey League, am vergangenen Samstag, zog zwei Sperren nach sich. Patrick Bolterle vom EC Die Adler Stadtwerke Kitzbühel wurde wegen eines Zwischenfalls, der als „Charging“ eingestuft wurde, für ein Spiel gesperrt. Anthony DeLuca vom HC Gherdeina valgardena.it ist wegen „Interference“ in den kommenden beiden Begegnungen nicht spielberechtigt.

Originalurteil von Patrick Bolterle (KEC)
Patrick Bolterle of the EC Die Adler Stadtwerke Kitzbühel got suspended for one game due to an incident deemed as Charging, IIHF Rule 42.

Patrick Bolterle (#20) of EC Die Adler Stadtwerke Kitzbühel, time 27:54, made contact with an opponent deemed as Charging, IIHF Rule 42. Based on the video evidence, it is determined the incident to be worthy of supplementary discipline – Category 1 – ‘Careless’ – insufficient attention or thought to avoid harm or error. Liable to happen as a consequence of, by intending to affect an opponent through a reactionary or accidental motion or the incident is deemed careless causing negligence.

Saturday night, September 16th, in Kitzbühel, Kitzbühel Forward #20 Patrick Bolterle was involved in an incident, deemed as Charging on Meran goalkeeper #20 Andrei Makarov, resulting in an apparent injury.

As the video shows, Patrick Bolterle is skating at a high speed to gain a loose puck and it appears his sight-line is more focused on the ice, than on his surrounding. At the same time goalkeeper Andrei Makarov is skating in opposite direction to gain the loose puck. Andrei Makarov is at the loose puck earlier and plays it to the neutral zone. Right after he played the puck he gets hit by Patrick Bolterle

This is charging.

It is important to note, a goalkeeper is not „fair game“ just because he is outside the goal crease and an attacking player has to make a „reasonable effort“ to avoid unnecessary contact with a goalkeeper. Patrick Bolterle could have avoided the contact by having his focus more to his surrounding. In situations where players run in opposite directions, even if both are very attentive, accidental contacts can occur and with that being said, the goalkeeper also runs the risk of getting hit, if he tries to play such kinds of loose pucks.

Effective immediately, the Alps Hockey League Department of Player Safety has suspended Patrick Bolterle for 1 game.

To summarize:

This is charging
Goalkeeper is not „fair game“

Previous suspensions:

Next game Patrick Bolterle (#20) of EC Die Adler Stadtwerke Kitzbühel is allowed to play:
23.09.2023 EHC Lustenau vs. EC Die Adler Stadtwerke Kitzbühel

DOPS provided the following video:

Originalurteil von Anthony DeLuca (GHE)
Anthony DeLuca of the HC Gherdeina valgardena.it got suspended for two games due to an incident deemed as Interference, IIHF Rule 56.

Anthony DeLuca (#91) of HC Gherdeina valgardena.it, time 49:38, made contact with an opponent deemed as Interference, IIHF Rule 56. Based on the video evidence, it is determined the incident to be worthy of supplementary discipline – Category 2 – ‘Reckless’ – a deliberate and/or dangerous action with no concern for the result, with a conscious action to provoke, through intent and a willful purpose. Injury is not the determining factor but can be considered as influential means to the decision.

Saturday night, September 16th, in Ritten, Gherdeina Forward #91 Anthony De Luca was involved in an incident, deemed as interference on Ritten forward #8 Robert Öhler, resulting in no apparent injury.

As the video shows, after Ritten flipped the puck out of their D’zone. A race for the puck began between Gherdeina player #91 Anthony De Luca and Ritten player #8 Robert Öhler, with De Luca being the player to potentially win the race. Instead of playing the puck De Luca made the choice to hit his opponent.

This is interference.

It is important to note, a player not in possession of the puck is not eligible to be hit. Anthony DeLuca delivered a hit on a non-puck carrier in a way, where he elevated through the hit and his opponent had no time and chance to prepare before the impact. Anthony De Luca, by changing his skating lane showed no regard for the puck and did not try to separate the puck from the opposing player, instead he tried to separate the opposing player from the game. The reason for supplementary discipline is, that type of action can lead to serious injury and has no place in the game.

Effective immediately, the Alps Hockey League Department of Player Safety has suspended Anthony DeLuca for 2 games.

To summarize:

This is interference
Hit on a non-puck carrier
No regard for the puck

Previous suspensions:

Next game Anthony DeLuca (#91) of HC Gherdeina valgardena.it is allowed to play:
27.09.2023 EC Bregenzerwald vs. HC Gherdeina valgardena.it

DOPS provided the following video:

Presseinfo Alps Hockey League/AHL


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