Der 1:0 Sieg gegen den HC Orli Znojmo hat für Alexx Privitera von Medvescak Zagreb ein Nachspiel. Er bekommt wegen Spearing in der 47. Minute ein Spiel Nachdenkpause.
Hier gehts zum Urteil in englischer Sprache:
Alexx Privitera of KHL Medvescak Zagreb got suspended for one game because of Spearing.
According to the Arbitrator and after reviewing video evidence, player Alexx Privitera (#18) of KHL Medvescak Zagreb, time 46:18, made contact with an opponent deemed as Spearing IIHF Rule 161. As per the EBEL Fundamental Rules V. 5,1 (b), video evidence was sent to PSC(IDOPS) for a final verdict.
From the perspective of DOPS, it is clear that Alexx Privitera (#18) demonstrated a motion on the opposing player that is defined in the IIHF Rule Book as Spearing. On October 31st in Zagreb, a situation occurred involving Zagreb player #18 Alexx Privitera. As the video shows, #53 of Znojmo is skating towards the attacking zone net. After #53 of Znojmo is turning from a forward to a backwards skating motion, Alexx Privitera stuck his right leg out. The right leg extension in itself is the beginning of a needless and potentially dangerous situation. At the stoppage, while #53 of Znojmo is laying on the ice in a non confrontational and defenseless manner, Alexx Privitera engages #53 for what is assumed contact on the Zagreb goalie. However, the goalie contact is deemed caused by the original action leg extension of Alexx Privitera which means he has no right or probable cause to use his stick on the opposing player. The action was raised to supplementary discipline. Although it not a typical spear in that there is no pitch fork action, Alexx Privitera did put his blade of his stick to the mid section of the opposing player and then applied force in a dangerous manner. It is unacceptable while an opposing player is laying on the ice to stand over top and use an aggressive stick action in a demeaning and forceful manner. There was noapparent injury to the opposing player, due to the stick infraction. Effective immediately, Alexx Privitera is suspended for 1 game.
Key references:
Used stick for purpose of inflicting punishment
Applied an abundance of force through stick
Opposing player was defenseless
No apparent injury due to infraction
Not a repeat offender
From the perspective of DOPS and according to the EBEL Penalty Catalog Ref Nr. 126 – Spearing Alexx Privitera (#18) of KHL Medvescak Zagreb is suspended for 1 game, effective immediately.
Next game Alexx Privitera (#18) of KHL Medvescak Zagreb is allowed to play:
05.11.2017 KHL Medvescak Zagreb vs.HCB Südtirol Alperia
Medieninfo Erste Bank Eishockey Liga