Rafael Rotter von den Steinbach Black Wings Linz wurde wegen eines Cross-Checks im Freitagsspiel gegen Hydro Fehérvár AV19 für sechs Spiele gesperrt und mit einer Geldstrafe von 1.200,00 Euro belegt. Rotter war aufgrund eines Cross-Checks am 5. Dezember bereits als Wiederholungstäter eingestuft. Diese Tatsache fand bei der Höhe des Strafausmaßes Berücksichtigung.
Zum Original Urteil:
Rafael Rotter of the Steinbach Black Wings Linz got suspended for six games and fined 1.200 Euros due to an incident deemed as Cross-Checking in the game against Hydro Fehérvár AV19 on Friday, February 25th.
Rafael Rotter (#6) of Steinbach Black Wings Linz, time 52:38 was involved in an incident deemed as Cross-Checking (IIHFRule 59). The video evidence was sent to the bet-at-home ICE Hockey League PSC, which determined the incident to be worthy of supplementary discipline – Category 2- ‚Reckless‘.
According to the Arbitrator and having considered the video evidence and ruling of the bet-at-home ICE Hockey League PSC, Rafael Rotter (#6) of Steinbach Black Wings Linz, will receive supplementary discipline under rule 59 – Cross-Checking.
Friday night in Linz, Linz forward #6 Rafael Rotter, was assessed a 5 min.+ game misconduct penalty for cross checking Fehervar D’Man #59 Joshua Atkinson. The incident was sent to the ICEHL PSC and determined supplementary discipline is required under Category 2 – ‘Reckless’.
As the video shows, players are engaged in a scrum at a stoppage. Initially located opposite side of the ice from the scrum, Rotter made an unimpeded choice to skate a significant distance to engage in the scrum. The actions of Rotter, through his stick, both up and away in a horizontal manner to make direct contact to the back neck area of Atkinson, is the reason for supplementary discipline.
This is cross checking.
It is important to note, this is not a case of inadvertent contact or a mild form of a stick action to gain a players attention. Rather, its the action of both elevating his stick in a cross checking manner and the location of the contact on a unsuspecting player, making direct and dangerous contact. Although Atkinson did join into the scrum and use his stick in a cross checking motion, the action is not deemed worthy of supplementary discipline. Atkinson in joining in the scrum, could and should know at minimum that an opposing player may take a form of action, but Atkinson does not have to prepare or should be prepared for a unsuspecting cross check to the backside, neck area. The dangerous stick action of Rotter made him the aggressor on this play and merit supplementary discipline.
Effective immediately Rafael Rotter (#6) of Steinbach Black Wings Linz is suspended for 6 games and fined 1,200.00 Euros. 4 games for the respective cross-checking incident. Additionally and for a previous cross check this season, Rotter is a repeat offender and will receive 2 additional games as a repeat offender.
Key references:
This is deemed cross-checking
Unsuspecting to the back of an opposing player
Category 2 – Reckless
Repeat offender
From the perspective of DOPS and according to the bet-at-home ICE Hockey League Penalty Catalog Ref. Nr. 124 – Cross-checking, Rafael Rotter (#6) of Steinbach Black Wings Linz is suspended for 6 games and fined 1,200.00 Euros.
Previous suspension:
05.12.2021 Steinbach Black Wings Linz vs. Hydro Fehervar AV19
1 game – IIHF 59 Cross-Checking
Next game Rafael Rotter (#6) of Steinbach Black Wings Linz is allowed to play: TBA
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