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Für einen Check gegen den Kopf im gestrigen Heimspiel gegen Medvescak Zagreb wurde Kyle Klubertanz von den Vienna Capitals für zwei Spiele gesperrt. Der Verteidiger verpasst damit auch das Spiel gegen Bozen.

Der Vorfall ereignete sich bereits in der sechsten Minute im Heimspiel gegen Zagreb, das die Wiener schlussendlich 2:1 gewinnen konnten. Das Players Safety Comittee stufte den Check von Kyle Klubertanz gegen den Kopf seines Gegenspielers als gefährlich ein, weshalb der Verteidiger für zwei Spiele gesperrt wurde.

Folgende Punkte waren für das Urteil ausschlaggebend:

– Der direkte Kontakt zum Kopf des Gegenspielers
– Bewegung ging aufwärts und nach außen
– Der Kontakt mit dem Kopf war vermeidbar
– Kein Wiederholungstäter

Das DOPS stellt hierzu folgendes Video zur Verfügung:

Das Urteil in englischer Sprache:

According to the Arbitrator and after reviewing video evidence, player Klubertanz Kyle (#49) of Vienna Capitals, time 05:14, made contact with an opponent deemed as Checking to the Head or Neck, IIHF Rule 124. As per the 2017/18 EBEL GameBook Part I – Chapter III – § 10, video evidence was sent to PSC (IDOPS) for a final verdict.

On 01.19.2018 in Vienna, with the opposing team in possession of the puck in a drive to the net, Vienna Capitals, Kyle Klubertanz delivered a body check deemed illegal and a check to the head.

The body check was sent to the EBEL PSC and determined supplementary discipline is required.

As the video shows, an opposing player enters the attacking zone, on a 1 on 1 battle with #90 of Vienna. The opposing player beat the original checker on the wide side, gaining an advantage to cut to the net for a scoring opportunity. Kyle Klubertanz as the support D’Man, picked up on the scoring opportunity to make a defensive play on the puck carrier. In making a defensive play, Kyle Klubertanz went from a backwards to forwards skating motion in a direct path to the opposing player. Immediately before contact, Kyle Klubertanz removed his right hand from his stick and altered his skating path to his right. This action (of right arm free) created an upward elevation and outwards body movement and in doing so, the right shoulder of Kyle Klubertanz made direct contact with the opposing players head. The illusion of the check is an elbow. But as the video clearly shows, the shoulder makes head contact and the elbow is a further extension immediately following head contact through the shoulder. The opposing player did not sustain an apparent injury, however, the potential of injury in this type of hit is extremely high and needs to be avoided.

Medieninfo: EBEL


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