Der Strafesenat der bet-at-home ICE Hockey League hat eine Beurteilung einer Situation von Andrew Yogan im Spiel am 08.03.2021 der bet‐at‐home ICE Hockey League vorgenommen.
Das detaillierte Urteil finden Sie hier.
Über den Spieler der Dornbirn Bulldogs, Andrew Yogan, wird wegen Beleidung eines Schiedsrichters im Spiel am 08.03.2021 der bet‐at‐home ICE Hockey League eine unbedingte Geldstrafe gemäß den Disziplinarmaßnahmen Teil B, Nr. 37, in Höhe von EUR 2.500,00 verhängt. Darüber hinaus wird vom Strafsenat (Rechtskommission + DOPS) gemäß ICE‐Strafenkatalog Nr. 38 eine Sperre von einem Spiel zusätzlich ausgesprochen.
Der Spieler Andrew Yogan ist somit beim zweiten Viertelfinalspiel der bet-at-home ICE League Dornbirn Bulldogs vs. EC Red Bull Salzburg (14.03.2021) wieder spielberechtigt.
Das Urteil in voller Länge:
The player Andrew Yogan (#22) of Dornbirn Bulldogs is fined 2.500,00 Euros according to the bet‐at‐ home ICE Hockey League Penalty Catalog Ref. Nr. 37 – Insulting or threatening the referee, in the bet‐at‐home ICE Hockey League game #268 on 07.03.2021.
In the bet‐at‐home ICE Hockey League game #268 on 07.03.2021 a minor penalty for holding was assessed against Andrew Yogan (#22) of Dornbirn Bulldogs at 63:22. Following the call by the official, Andrew Yogan #22 raised his middle finger of his right hand directly at the referee, who had made the call, when he was already sitting in the penalty box to serve the minor penalty.
By this action the player fulfilled the element of an offense according to the bet‐at‐home ICE Hockey League Penalty Catalog Ref. Nr. 37. The penalty range for this offense goes from 500,00 Euros to 10.000,00 Euros. It behoves in times of significant problems in sports to put extra emphasis on a positive image of the sport in the public. Therefore, an insult and an obscene gesture towards the game official is unacceptable. Especially, since the on‐ice decision is comprehensible. Taking all this into account the minimum fine amount was deemed not sufficient.
Aggrivating: see justification above
Mitigating: no circumstance
In addition, the Penalty Senate (Justice Commission + Department of Player Safety) suspends Andrew Yogan (#22) of Dornbirn Bulldogs for 1 game, effective immediately, according to the bet‐at‐home ICE Hockey League Penalty Catalog Ref. Nr. 37 – Insulting or threatening the referee.
Next game Andrew Yogan (#22) of Dornbirn Bulldogs is allowed to play: 14.03.2021 Quarter Final game #2 Dornbirn Bulldogs vs. EC Red Bull Salzburg
Medieninfo bet-at-home ICE Hockey League