Black Wings Linz, Andreas Kristler

© Sportreport

Andreas Kristler von den Steinbach Black Wings Linz wurde wegen eines Stockschlags im Dienstagsspiel beim EC iDM Wärmepumpen VSV für zwei Partien gesperrt und zusätzlich mit einer Geldstrafe in der Höhe von Euro 500,00 belegt.

Der 32-jährige Stürmer wird damit die beiden Auswärtsspiele bei den BEMER Pioneers Vorarlberg und dem HC TIWAG Innsbruck verpassen.

Das Original-Urteil:

Andreas Kristler of the Steinbach Black Wings Linz got suspended for two games and fined 500,00 euros due to an incident deemed as Slashing in Tuesday’s road game against EC iDM Wärmepumpen VSV. The next game Kristler is allowed to play is on January 29th against Pustertal.

Andreas Kristler (#37) of Steinbach Black Wings Linz, time 52:25 was involved in an incident deemed as Slashing (IIHF Rule 61). The video evidence was sent to the win2day ICE Hockey League PSC, which determined the incident to be worthy of supplementary discipline – Category 2 – ‚Reckless‘.

Tuesday night in Villach, Linz forward #37 Andreas Kristler was involved in an incident deemed as slashing on Villach D’man #77 Philipp Lindner resulting in a 5 minute major penalty and a game-misconduct being assessed.
As the video shows, Kristler, with puck possession, enters the attacking zone. In an effort to beat Lindner on a 1 on 1 play, the 2 players engage, where Lindner makes a legal defensive play and Kristler looses puck possession. In a retaliation type reaction, Kristler swings his stick at Lindner, striking him in the head. This can be deemed as either slashing or a high-stick.

It is important to note the stick swing is not deemed an incidental use of the stick. Rather, the stick action is a directed stick swing that strikes an opponent at a dangerous height. The primary issue with the stick swing is the contact location and height of the stick. It is determined the high stick is not delivered with an excessive amount of force, which help to contribute to Lindner remain playing. But there is sufficient force to merit supplementary discipline for what is a dangerous, directed stick swing contacting the opposing player in a vulnerable area.

The ICE Hockey League Department of Player Safety has suspended Andreas Kristler for 2 games and fined 500.00 euros.

To summarize:
1) This is slashing
2) Location of slash
3) Not a repeat offender

Previous suspension:

Next game Andreas Kristler (#37) of Steinbach Black Wings Linz is allowed to play:
29.01.2023 Steinbach Black Wings Linz vs. HC Pustertal Wölfe

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