Black Wings Linz, #BWL

© Sportreport

Die Steinbach Black Wings Linz wurden mit einer Geldstrafe in Höhe von €250,00 bedacht, da Spieler beim Aufwärmen gegen den HC Pustertal Wölfe, am Sonntag, 29. Jänner, das Eis zu spät verlassen haben.

Das ICE Hockey League Game Book – Part D besagt: Sobald die Uhr in der Halle 35 Minuten bis Spielbeginn anzeigt, ist es den Spielern gestattet, das Eis zum Aufwärmen zu betreten. 15 Minuten später, also 20 Minuten vor Spielbeginn, müssen alle Spieler das Eis spätestens wieder verlassen haben. Wie das folgende Video zeigt, waren Spieler der Black Wings bis circa 19:10 Minuten vor Spielbeginn auf dem Eis.

>> Hier geht´s zum detaillierten Urteil.

The Steinbach Black Wings Linz got fined €250,00 because players left the ice too late during warm-up against the HC Pustertal Wölfe, on Sunday, January 29th.

The ICE Hockey League Game Book – Part D | Case Book – §4 Pre-Game and Warm-Ups – Point (2) states:
The only time players are permitted to be on the ice for warm-up is between the times when the clock reads 35 minutes, and all players must exit the ice no later than the clock reading 20 minutes.

Only team personnel to pick up the pucks shall be on the ice. If players remain on the ice past this time, they shall be subjected to a suspension and/or fine under the ICE Hockey League Penalty Catalog Ref.
No. 104/105 – Unsportsmanlike Conduct.

1st time – €250,00 – team fine
2nd time – €500,00 – team fine
3rd time – €1.000,00 – team fine
4th time and all subsequent times – Coach suspension + €2.500,00 team fine

As the video shows players from Steinbach Black Wings Linz are skating on the ice and shooting pucks towards the net until the clock shows approx. 19:10 before the official start of the game.

Therefore the ICE Hockey League Department of Players Safety issues a € 250,00 fine against the
Steinbach Black Wings Linz.

Previous violations of the pre-game procedure:

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