Mikael Frycklund vom HC Pustertal wurde wegen eines Stockschlags für ein Spiel gesperrt
Hier geht’s zum detaillierten Urteil
Mikael Frycklund of HC Pustertal was suspended for one game due to an incident in Friday’s road game at EC Red Bull Salzburg deemed as Slashing (IIHF Rule 61) and additionally fined 200.00 euros.
Mikael Frycklund (#67) of HC Pustertal Wölfe, time 47:24 was involved in an incident deemed as Slashing (IIHF Rule 61). The video evidence was sent to the win2day ICE Hockey League PSC, which determined the incident to be worthy of supplementary discipline – Category 1 – ‚Careless‘.
Friday night in Salzburg, Pustertal center-man #67 Mikael Frycklund was involved in an incident deemed as slashing on Salzburg center-man #70 Benjamin Nissner. As the video shows, after a Pustertal turn-over, Salzburg gains neutral zone puck possession whereby Nissner, turns and begins to skate toward the attacking zone. Following in close proximity on the play, is Frycklund, who takes his stick back, above his head and chops down directly on the arm of Nissner. This is Slashing.
It is important to note that in these types of plays, it is common for a player to use his stick to attempt to impeded the opponent and sometimes has a slashing motion component to the play. In this case, it is the type and location of the slash that raises it to supplementary discipline. Although not overly forceful, there is a full wind up, bringing the stick back and overhead, with a downward motion vs across motion. The contact is directly to the arm of the opposing player. This type of slash is not what is considered acceptable. Big windups, from overhead and located directly at the arm of an opponent creates a high risk of arm injury.
The ICE Hockey League Department of Player Safety has suspended Mikael Frycklund for 1 game and fined 200.00 euros.
To summarize:
This is Slashing
Location of slash
Not a repeat offender
Next game Mikael Frycklund (#67) of HC Pustertal Wölfe is allowed to play:
28.12.2023 EC-KAC vs. HC Pustertal Wölfe
DOPS provided the following video:
Medieninfo win2day ICE Hockey League